Combating climate change requires sustainable solutions, such as sequestering CO2 in Paulownia wood. This wood offers an ideal opportunity for Biobased construction, where CO2 is stored in structures for long periods of time. By facilitating cooperation between landowners and the Biobased construction industry, Paulownia becomes a powerful ally in the fight for a better climate and a sustainable future.
Produced trees
Carbon credits earned*
Successful projects

The green powerhouse of CO2 Tree

Through partnerships with farmers and the construction industry, we support a forward-looking economy where ecological care and sustainable growth go hand in hand.

Co2 uptake

Bio-based solution

Our biobased solution focuses on the production of the Paulownia tree. This tree is known for its rapid growth and has the unique ability to absorb 3 to 4 times more CO2 than the average tree. This makes the Paulownia particularly suitable for biobased applications.
Carbon credit


A carbon credit represents the reduction or offsetting of one ton of CO2 and acts as a tradable certificate. We work with Oncra, which is responsible for determining CO2-TREE storage and arranging the certification of these carbon credits.

The strength of the Paulownia tree is further enhanced by CO2-Tree

The strength of the Paulownia tree is further enhanced by the unique benefits of CO2-Tree. With CO2 uptake 3 to 4 times higher than average trees, its contribution to biodiversity, and its sturdy but light wood, combined with disease-free and homogeneous trees, an extremely powerful and sustainable product is created.


We offer homogeneous Paulownia trees. This means that they come from one mother plant, Thus they have consistent vigor and uniform characteristics.


The plants are propagated in clean rooms making them free of bacteria and fungi, this results in faster vigor in the first years after transplanting.


In the laboratory, climate and light are constantly regulated, so seasonal influences do not play a role. This makes it possible to supply the desired numbers all year round.

What our customers say

Andre Boereboom

Andre Boereboom

With 17 years of experience in tissue culture and 27 years in operations, André is a pioneer in his field. His solution-oriented approach and focus on quality consistently provide innovative customized solutions.

Alexander van Oploo

Alexander van Oploo

With more than 27 years of experience in the horticultural industry, Alexander has developed his nursery from a small-scale project to a leading company. His modern techniques and sustainable methods are central to his approach.

Ronald laman

Started Breederplants in 2010 and now a household name in the world of royalty management. With his passion for customer relations and eye for detail Ronald has built a worldwide network of satisfied growers and breeders.

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